Remote Learning

15th January 2021

Please find below information for learners and parents in relation to our remote learning packages.

Learners Accessing Apprenticeships:

What remote education will be made available

  • All learning resources are accessible via learners Onefile e-portfolio.
  • All 121 teaching and learning sessions will be conducted via Zoom.
  • Our tutor coaches will be on hand to support learners’ welfare and wellbeing, along with resources including our Wellonomics assessments.
  • Learners will have access to additional teaching resources such as pre-recorded videos and group revision sessions.

Delivery arrangements, such as timetabling, virtual learning environments and assessment arrangements

  • Tutor coaches will timetable teaching and support sessions in agreement with learners and employers.
  • 121 teaching and learning sessions will continue via Zoom.
  • Tutor coaches will adapt assessments in line with changing employer circumstances and awarding body requirements.
  • Awarding body online assessment systems will be accessed to support the needs of the learners.

Expectations of students

  • Learners are asked to communicate any requirements/changes to circumstances with their tutor coaches.
  • Where face-to-face assessments have been identified, learners are asked to maintain COVID-19 Health and Safety requirements.

Arrangements for students studying courses that require specialist equipment or facilities

  • ISOBT will apply any awarding body adaptions to assessments and will utilise online assessment systems to ensure learners can continue to progress within their apprenticeship.

Support for students without devices, connectivity or a suitable environment for learning

  • Tutor coaches will liaise with employers to identity suitable learning environments and access to devices to ensure learners attend online learning sessions.
  • ISOBT will seek to provide and/or access funding and grants for learner devices where applicable.

Support for students with SEND

  • Tutor coaches continue to liaise with learners with SEN/EHCP needs to identify and discuss any additional support required.
  • Where particular needs are identified, support arrangements are focused specifically for each learner. These may include (but are not limited to): additional teaching and learning resources, extra teaching sessions/support sessions/visits from sector specialist tutors, adaptations to assessment methods and assistive technology to support learning and/or assessment.


Learners Accessing Advanced Learner Loans:

What remote education will be made available

  • Depending on courses and awarding body, learning resources are accessible via learners e-portfolios, AB websites or issued hard copies.
  • All teaching and learning sessions will be conducted via Zoom.
  • Our tutor coaches will be on hand to support learner’s welfare and wellbeing.
  • Learners will have access to additional teaching resources, such as pre-recorded videos and group revision sessions.

Delivery arrangements, such as timetabling, virtual learning environments and assessment arrangements

  • Tutor coaches will timetable teaching and support sessions in agreeance with learners and employers.
  • 121 teaching and learning sessions will continue via Zoom.
  • Tutor coaches will adapt assessments in line with changing employer circumstances and awarding body requirements.
  • Awarding body online assessment systems will be accessed to support the needs of the learners.

Expectations of students

  • Learners are asked to communicate any requirements/changes to circumstances with their tutor coaches.
  • Where face-to-face assessments have been identified, learners are asked to maintain COVID-19 Health and Safety requirements.

Arrangements for students studying courses that require specialist equipment or facilities

  • Acacia will apply any awarding body adaptions to assessments and will utilise online assessment systems to ensure that learners can continue to progress within their course.
  • Where learners require materials to practice treatments, home kits have been issued.

Support for students without devices, connectivity or a suitable environment for learning

  • Tutor coaches will liaise with employers to identity suitable learning environments and access to devices to ensure learners attend online teaching learning sessions.
  • Acacia will seek to provide and/or access funding and grants for learner devices where applicable.

Support for students with SEND

  • Tutor coaches continue to liaise with learners with SEN/EHCP needs to identify and discuss any additional support required.
  • Where particular needs are identified, support arrangements are focused specifically for each learner. These may include (but are not limited to): additional teaching and learning resources, extra teaching sessions/support sessions/visits from sector specialist tutors, adaptations to assessment methods, assistive technology to support learning and/or assessment.